

  • Hepatitis A: recommended
  • Malaria: no
  • Diphtheria: no
  • Rabies: no
  • Tetanus: recommended
  • Typhoid: no
  • Yellow Fever:no
  • Tuberculosis: recommended
  • Hepatitis B: recommended

Yellow fever certificate is required from travellers over one year of age who, in the preceding six days, have been in or have passed through any country partly or wholly endemic for yellow fever.

Health Care

Singapore General Hospital receives emergency cases and health care is exceptionally good. There is a large private sector. Health insurance is recommended.

Pharmaceuticals are available from numerous outlets including supermarkets, department stores, hotels and shopping centres. Registered pharmacists work from 9am till 6pm, with some shops open until 10pm.

Singapore’s medical standards, being one of the highest in Asia, have made it the regional centre for medical excellence. Growth into the future will be based on a total approach as Singapore is further developed as the regional hub for medical and healthcare services, with a strong R&D base, while aiming to become a strategic global manufacturing centre.

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